Dec 18, 2010

Moderkaiser Skin Fixed

I fixed the Moderkaiser Skin, as you can see, it's a new format so the new skin got some overlapping text like download progress, file location etc. Now, I fixed it see the screenies for more info. That's all for now. Enjoy! You can download the file Here

Dec 12, 2010

Mordekaiser Launcher Skin

Hi all, I have been busy these past days that's why I couldn't update much on the blog. Don't worry guys I made some Mordekaiser Game Launcher skin and this time it's all new layout check out the screenies for more info, I hope you'll like it guys thanks and if you're having problems on installing this skin, comment on this post. Enjoy!

Download it here

Dec 4, 2010

Minor Updates

Hi everyone, I done some minor updates on the blog, got so little time so I end up with this layout or design. Still more to come soon; New Skins, more features on the blog, and many more.. Just check the site often, Thanks!

Nov 30, 2010

Tryndamere Game Launcher Skin

Here's another Game Launcher Skin, this time it's Tryndamere. Check the readme file inside the .rar for instruction on how to apply the skin. This is a NEW, i mean all new skin as you can see in the screenshot. It takes me hour to do this ^^, You can download it Here Enjoy!

Warwick Game Launcher Skin

My first release for game launcher skin, ^^ First is warwick. All warwick fans enjoy this little piece of my work and it comes up with a bypass too, it is like a all-in-one package. I love warwick and I enjoy using this skin, the instruction is included in the .rar file. At the moment you can download the file Here Enjoy!

Nov 25, 2010

New Champion Approaches: Trundle, the Cursed Troll


Trolls have never been well-regarded beings on Valoran. Generally speaking, they are barbaric, cannibalistic, and sneaky. They are creatures relegated to the murky recesses of the world, hidden away from most intelligent beings. Despite their maleficent natures, however, the Ruhgosk never deserved the grisly fate that was visited upon them. Generations ago, a twisted necromancer known as Hakolin the Bonecrafter attempted to enslave the Ruhgosk tribe. These trolls are considerably more genteel than their ill-mannered brethren, although still uncouth by human standards. The Ruhgosk fought tooth and claw against the necromancer, ultimately driving him from their land. As a parting gift, Hakolin afflicted the trolls with a leprous disease, forever cursing the members of the tribe. The leprosy would have rotted their flesh away to nothing were it not for the trolls' natural ability to regenerate. Caught forever in a hideous rotting state, the Ruhgosk endured their curse while desperately in search of a cure. They never found one.

A wise Ruhgosk shaman learned that he could magically bind the disease to a single troll, provided that the troll could bear the weight of the entire tribe's curse upon himself. However, there was no such troll...until the birth of Trundle. His ability to regenerate is so profound that it appeared as if he did not carry the disease. As Trundle grew, he came to understand his gift and what it could do for his people. When he came of age, he took the curse from his tribe in a baptism of searing agony. Through the shaman's ritual, Trundle became a horrifying creature whose flesh constantly sloughs off his body, only to be re-grown in an unremitting cycle. He has joined the League of Legends in hopes of eventually finding someone who could dispel the heinous curse completely.

"I've learned a thing or two about pain! Let me show you." --Trundle


Rabid Bite: Trundle bites his opponent, dealing damage and sapping some of their attack damage.

Contaminate: Trundle infects a target location with his curse, gaining attack speed, movement speed, and crowd control reduction while on it.

Pillar of Filth: Trundle creates a plagued beacon at a target location, which becomes impassable terrain and slows all nearby enemy units.

Agony (Ultimate): Trundle immediately steals his target’s health and a percentage of their armor and magic resistance. Over the next six seconds the amount of health, armor, and magic resistance stolen is doubled.

Decompose (Passive): Whenever an enemy unit near Trundle dies, he heals for a percentage of their maximum health.

Source: League Of Legends Website

Nov 13, 2010

Paysafecard and SMS are here!

Two awesome options are now available to make Riot Points even easier to obtain. Paysafecard and SMS have been the most requested additions to the Store, and we’ve been working hard to get them locked in place for you!

From now on when you click on the Riot Points tab you’ll see two boxes, one for Credit Cards and the other for alternative payment methods. Simply click on the alternative payment methods box and the option to pay with PayPal, Paysafecard or SMS will be available.

Source: League Of Legends Website

Nov 7, 2010

Riot Games Presents: Battle Training


Those of you who began your MOBA careers with League of Legends can attest to the challenge of getting your feet wet in a competitive environment. With this in mind, allow us to present the latest innovation in rookie summoner education: Battle Training.

Battle Training will provide a middle ground between the League of Legends tutorial and a live game against other players. Here, newcomers will be able to play out their first game of League of Legends against bots on Summoner's Rift. Over the course of the game, they will be presented with dynamic tips that address their specific mistakes, along with primary and secondary quests that guide them through the major objectives on the map.

By easing new players into the matchmaking queue more gradually and providing them with the savvy they need to contribute successfully when a team is depending on them, we can produce new players of a higher caliber. In our careers as Summoners in the League, we’ve all learned that better players make for a better gameplay experience for everyone.

Battle Training is only the first step. The new systems developed for Battle Training have the potential to serve as a foundation for exciting new content in the future. There's still a long road ahead of us, but thanks to Battle Training, the horizon just got a little closer.

EDIT: This is a good system, now DotA players who wants to try LOL will find it easy to adopt the game styles. Well done Riot, you guys Rocks!

Source: League Of Legends

Nov 5, 2010

League Of Legends Game Start Error FIX!

Hello Guys, this goes out to the new and old LOL players who are having problem on the game start state or the launching of the game client. (the client exe that is exucuted after champion selection). To clear things out, I'll explain it further, there are two(2) exe files that LOL launches, the first is the launcher. The game launcher is the first exe executed, this is where you chat you buddies or configurate your summoner's profile, buy items, select games etc. At this point you are not having the crash problem yet, after you finish selecting your champion and waiting for the game timer to be done, a new exe is now executed the "League of Legends.exe" this is where the problems starts to sparks. You're having this "Crash game" issue due to your outdated directX or outdated windows. Yes, you can fix this if you update your windows and directX. But here's the quickest and effective way to fix it. Locate your LOL main directory, mine is set to default and is located in "C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\game" next is double click the "League of Legends.exe" now you will receive a error message saying that your missing some files and the file name that is missing is displayed in the error message box. Now go google it and search for that file, it's an .dll file you can download it for free. Now after downloading the missing file, extract or paste it in the "C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\game" folder. Next, double click the "League of Legends.exe" again and a new missing file is displayed and you need to download this .dll file again and so on. You will know if your up to go and pwned your enemies if the "League of Legends.exe" is not showing some missing .dll files error. That's it and Enjoy! Please comment if you're having problems, Thanks! (see screenshot attached)

Nov 3, 2010

LeBlanc, The Deceiver - Champion Overview

LeBlanc is definitely one of the most difficult champions to learn and master. With all of her primary abilities having quite a few intricacies to learn, one must also keep track of exactly which spell is going to be cast when using Mimic. My advice to you is to think ahead and plan all of your abilities in terms of combinations. Distortion – Sigil of Silence – Mimic – Distortion is an easy to use high-damage combo that I recommend all of you memorize as you learn the champion. From there, branching out into her other various tricks will be extremely rewarding.

Source: League Of Legends